05-26-2021, 07:48 AM
(05-25-2021, 06:52 PM)RoboIntern Wrote: Hello,
Regarding zip-unzip on FTP, I currently don't have capacities unfortunately. What you could do as a workaround for now is to download the zip files, extract, and then upload the content to the FTP server.
With respect to remove old files, you could try a dynamic formula by date: for example delete all files from yesterday by defining the path as ="home/myfolder/myfile_" & TEXT(TODAY()-1,"YYYYMM") & "*.zip"
Let me know if this helped!
Take care,
Hello, That's what I am doing for now Unzip locally then upload by FTP but because the zip file contains a huge amount of data I would prefer to unzip the file directly on the FTP Server ..... but Ok I will work like you mention still a new enhancement !! LOL
Thank's for the help on the remove old file formula I will try this!